Rositsa Zhelyazkova Doneva Languages Bulgarian,
Russian, English Professional Position
2012- Professor, Dept. ECIT, Plovdiv University 2011- Member of the Standing Committee on Natural Sciences
Mathematics and Computing, National
Evaluation and Accreditation Agency 1999- RDESC at Plovdiv University Courses delivered Computer
Science, Object-Oriented Design and Programming, Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures,
Artificial Intelligence, Logic and Functional Programming, Data Structures and Programming,
Programming Paradigms, Information Technology for
Business Skills, Computer Systems, Open Software in Education Research and Development Projects
Co-ordinator/ team member of
more than 50 projects in the area of Computer Science, Applications of ICT in
Education, European Innovative Curricula, Educational Methods, Mobility,
etc., selection (the full list of
references available upon request): 539461-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-ERASMUS-ENW,
FETCH, Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at
anytime anywhere, 2013-2016 FFIT 001, Methods to
create and update dynamic test items and tests with automated evaluation of
their quality, 2015-2016 Central European Exchange
Program for University Studies, International Cooperation in Computer Science
(CEEPUS-H-81), 2001-2017 BG051PO001-4.3.04-0064, PeU, Plovdiv Electronic University: national standard for
conducting high-quality e-learning in higher education, 2012-2014 BG051PO001-3.1.08-0041,
SIRIUS, Standardizing and integrating polytypic university information and
management systems, 2013-2015 D002 308
of Learning Processes and Management of e-Learning Projects, 2006-2009 29298-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-PROGUC-2
BIT2010 – Joint European Bachelor Curriculum in Information Technology for
Higher Education 2010, 2006-2009 National Scientific Fund
OHN-14, Contemporary methods, Tools and Technology for Diagnostics,
Consulting and Education of Disabled Persons, 2005-2009 Research project,
Software solutions for remote development and management of projects,
2007-2008 National Scientific Fund
BG-19, Joint Bilateral Research Programme between Bulgaria and HELLENIC
REPUBLIC, Let’s Learn, Language Engineering Tools in e-Learning Environment:
Applications, Research, Innovation, 2005-2007 2005-3872, 001-001,
ELE-ELEB14, Fe-ConE, Framework for eLearning
Contents Evaluation, External expert M-77 – Methods and Tools
for m-Learning, 2005-2006 116684-CP-1-2004-1-HU-MINERVA-M
– e-Taster – short, free on-line courses – ″tasters″ - for
multilingual, international delivery (SOCRATES-MINERVA), 2004-2006 IST-2000-29388 (FP5)
BALKANET, Design and Development of a Multilingual Balkan WordNet, 2001-2004 90389-CP-1-2001-HU-MINERVA-MPP,
MISSION, Development of multinational integrated system for elaboration the
distance education system, 2001-2004 PHARE project
ETF/97/VET/0077 (for development of distance course modules in the field of
ICT); project PHARE ETF/97/VET/0060 NCDE/98/8 (Establishment and Operation of
the Regional Distance Education Study Centre in the University of Plovdiv);
some institutional projects. TEMPUS projects CME
01164/95 and CME 02513-96 (for establishment of Regional centre for
international co-operation in high education), some national projects. Research
Intelligent Systems, Conceptual Modelling, Software
Engineering, Formal Methods for Software Specification, Object-Oriented Design and
Programming, Computer Aided Learning, Computational Linguistics, E-Learning
Management Systems, E-Learning, M-Learning, Distance Learning, New Methods
and ICT in Education, Quality Assurance and Evaluation (of HE, E-Learning,
Software, Projects) Scientific publications
Author and co-author of over
110 scientific publications in the field of Intelligent Systems, Conceptual
Modelling, QA (of HE, e-Learning, Projects, etc.), OOP, e-Learning,
m-Learning, etc., selection (the
full list of references available upon request): Software Quality
Assessment Tool Based on Meta-Models, International Journal of Computer
Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.5, May- 2015, pp. 574-590, ISSN
2320–088X. Automated e-learning
quality evaluation, e-Learning’15 Proceedings of the International Conference
on e-Learning, 11-12 September 2015, Germany, ISSN 2376-6698, 156-162. Social Networking in the
Information Technology Training, e-Learning’15 Proceedings of the
International Conference on e-Learning, 11-12 September 2015, Germany, ISSN
2376-6698, 190-196. A Methodology for
Automated Evaluation of Projects Quality, ACM International Conference
Proceeding Series; Vol. 883, CompSysTech’14 Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, ACM New
York, NY, USA ©2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2753-4, 325-332. Moodle Integration with
University Information Systems, Proceedings of the 6th Nat. Conference
"Education and Research in the Information Society", 30 to 31 May
2013, Plovdiv, Association "Development of the Information
Society", Sofia, ISSN 1314-0752, pp. 39-48. Meta-Model of Methods for
Evaluation of Quality in Education, Proc. Of Intern. Conference
"Traditions, directions, challenges", 19-21 October 2012, Smolyan, pp. 125-130, ISBN: 978-954-8767-43-9. Modelling and Carrying on
E-learning Processes with a Workflow Management Engine, in Knowledge Based
Automated Software Engineering (eds. I. Stanev, K
Grigorova), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK, December 2011, ISBN
(10): 1-4438-3771-7, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-3771-2, pp. 34-51. E = MA2 (E-Learning in a
Moodle-based Adaptive and Accumulative System), ACM International Conference
Proceeding Series; Vol. 578, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on
Computer Systems and Technologies 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-0917-2, Vienna,
Austria, June 2011, pp. 498-503. About Electronic
Assessment, Accreditation and Management of the Quality of Teaching in Higher
Education, Proceedings of the Anniversary International Conference, Research
and Education in Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications,
REMIA'2010. December 10-12, 2010,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 263-270. Web-based system for
quality assessment of e-learning in higher education, International research
conference “Challenges to Higher Education and Research in the Global
Economic Crisis”, 25-26 June 2010, Burgas, pp.
263-268. Piloting of a Joint
European Bachelor Curriculum in Information Technology: Evaluation of a
Course Delivery, Proc. of ICL2009 12th International Conference on
Interactive Computer aided Learning, Villach, Austria 23-25 Sept 2009,
(eds. Auer M.), ISBN 978-3-89958-481-3, pp. 1175-1181. European Standardization:
Mobility without Borders, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series;
Vol. 433, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computer Systems and
Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing 2009, ISBN:
978-1-60558-986-2, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 18-19, 2009, pp. IV.16.1 – IV.16.6. E-Learning Standardization
– Bulgaria: Current Status, Issues and Possible Solution, ACM International
Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 374, Proc. of the 9th International
Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students
in Computing 2008, ISBN: 978-954-9641-52-3, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, June 12-13,
2008, pp. IV.2-1-IV.2-6. Collaborative Learning
and Authoring in the Frame of e-Projects, International Journal
"Information Technologies and Knowledge", Vol.2 / 2008, pp.
431-436. Test System for
Specialized Education, in Contemporary methods, tools and technologies in
diagnostics, consulting and education of disabled people, University Publ.
House “P. Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, 2007, ISBN
978-954-423-375-4, pp. 25-42. Experimental Software
Solution for e-Projects and e-Documents Management, Int. Conf. on Computer
Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’07, 14-15 June 2007, Rousse , pp. II.15-1 – II.15-6. e-Taster Project: Bulgarian Case Study on Pilot
Delivery of e-Learning Courses, Proc. of First International Conference
“Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences”, vol. 4, 6 –
8 June 2007, Lozenec, Bulgaria, pp. 22-26. Web-based system for
Development and Management of Projects, Proc. of the 3rd Conference,
24.3.2007, Technical University – Sofia (branch Plovdiv), 2007, pp.
15-21. Towards Mobile University
Campuses, Communication and Cognition, Monographies A., 2007, VOL 40; NUMB
ISSN 0378-0880. Mobile Learning to the e-Learning
Environment PeU 2.0, Scientific Works, Mathematics,
Plovdiv University, book 3, vol. 35, 2007, pp. 139-148, http://www.fmi-plovdiv.org/GetResource?id=249. The BEST e-Learning
Practices, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Electronic Computers
and Informatics (Š. Hudák, J. Kollár eds.), ECI 2006, September 20-22, 2006, Košice - Herlăny,
Slovakia, pp. 23-28. Let’s BEST Learn, or
Natural Language Processing and e-Learning, Proc. of the 2nd National
Conference with International Participation on e-Learning in Higher
Education, September 14-17, 2006, Kiten, pp. 13-16. Best: New Lessons Module
Logic, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies,
CompSysTech’06, 15-16 June 2006, V. Tarnovo, pp.
IV.5-1 – IV.5-6. Towards e+Learning, or how to Increase the Learning into
e-Learning, Proc. of the Modern e-Learning, Intern. Conf., Varna, June 1-5,
2006, pp. 23-29. Tasting of Multilingual
Joint Courses in Diverse e-Learning Environments, Online Conf. Proc. of EADTU
Working Conference “Towards Lisbon
2010: Collaboration for Innovative Content in Lifelong Open and Flexible
Learning”, Nettuno,
Rome, 10- 11 November 2005,
http://www.eadtu.nl/proceedings/. Test organization and assessments
in the PeU learning environment, Mathematics And
Education in Mathematics, Proc. of the Thirty Fourth Spring Conference of the
UBM, Borovets, April 6-9, 2005, pp.396-400. Towards Bulgarian Verb
Net, Proc. of Int. Conf. Automation and Informatics’2004, Sofia. Bipartite Finite State Transducers as Morphology
Analyser, Synthesizer, Lemmatizer and Unknown-Word Guesser, Proc. of the 2nd
Intern. Seminar „Computer Treatment of Slavonic Languages” SLOVKO’2003, Oct.
24-25, 2003, Bratislava. Object Modelling and
Intelligent Resolving: Formal Models, Software Environment and Applications,
30-th Anniversary Scientific Session, PU, 03-04.11.2000, p. 258-265. Open and Distance
Education at Plovdiv University (1995-2000), 30-th Anniversary Scientific
Session, PU, 03-04.11.2000, p. 201-206. About development of Open
and Distance Education in Bulgaria, 30-th Anniversary Scientific Session, PU,
03-04.11.2000, p. 266-271. Formal Specification of the
Concept “Subject Domain”, International Journal “Information Theories &
Applications”, Vol. 7, No 4, 2000, p. 195-199. Tests Paradigms and Automatised Test Environments, Conf. Information
Technologies’99, Kaunas, Lithuania, 3-4 Feb 1999. A learning experience in
the interactive environment of type “Virtual University”, in P. Barnev (ed.) “Information & Interaction”, Proc. of
the 24th International Conference “Information and Communication Technologies
and Programming”, Sofia, 1999, 155-160. Models and tools for automatised synthesis of distance learning materials, in
P. Barnev (ed.) “Information & Interaction”,
Proc. of the 24th International Conference “Information and Communication
Technologies and Programming”, Sofia, 1999, 63-69. Computerised Environment
for Integrated Maintenance of Distance Education Course Modules, EDEN
Conference, Bologna, 24-26 June, 1998. Test Paradigms, Proc. of
the Twenty-third Int. Conf. Information and Communication Technologies and
Programming, Sofia, Bulgaria, 9-13 Jun 1998, ñ. 155-161. On the Automatisation of the Tests, Proc. Of the XXIV Summer
School, Sozopol, in B.I. Cheshanlkov,
M. D. Todorov (Eds.), “Applications of Mathematics
in Engineering”, Inst. Of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Technical
University of Sofia, Heron Press, Sofia, 1998, 242- 244. An Object-Oriented Tool
for Conceptual Modelling and Automatic Solving of Secondary School Problems,
Pre-Conf. Proc. of the IFIP WG 3.1/3.5 Open Conference “Informatics and
Changes in Learning”, Gmunden, Austria, Jun 7-11,
1993, pp. 3-5. OMIR-LING: A Linguistic
Processor Based on Many Sorted Algebraic Specifications, Proc. of the Intern.
Conf. on Mathematical Linguistics ICML’93, Taragona
(Catalonia, Spain), 13-14, Mar 30-31, 1993, pp. 13-14. OMIR: Problem Solving Environment
for Algebraic Specification of Subject Domains, Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, Sept 14-18, 1993, pp. 11-14. OMIR – An Object-Oriented
Tool for Automatic Solving Using Algebraic Models in Some Subject Domains,
Proc. of the Seventeenth International Summer School with Conference, 28
Jun-5 Jul 1992, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 68-70. Tool - System for
Computer and Conceptual Modelling, Proc. of the International Summer School
on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computations, 23-28.09.1990, Albena, Bulgaria, pp. 141-144. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Textbooks and learning materials: Author and co-author of
more than 40 textbooks and learning materials, incl. electronic (the full list
of references available upon request) Citations: More than 140 (references
available upon request) Participation in program committees of scientific conferences
and editorial boards of scientific magazines in Bulgaria and abroad
(references available upon request) Awards: Award for many years of
work in local coordination of the network CEEPUS-H-0081 in the Central
European Exchange Programme for University Studies, FMI at PU, Bulgaria, 2008 Award University
Scientific and Technical Achievements, Competition-exhibition Scientific
Educational EKSPO'2007, Plovdiv Autumn Fair, Bulgaria, 2007 Award University
Scientific and Technical Achievements, Competition-exhibition Scientific
educational EKSPO'2006, Plovdiv Autumn Fair, Bulgaria, 2006 Award Excellence Network
CEEPUS-H-0081 in the Central European Exchange Programme for University
Studies, Ministry of Education, Hungary, 2004. Scientific leader of the PhD students: 5 already successfully
defended (references available upon request) Books and book chapters, selection (the full
list of 12 references available upon request) Standardisation and
integration of polytypic university information systems Rakursi,
Plovdiv, 2014, ISBN 978-954-8852-49-4, 206 pages. Access to Digital
Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications
of Automated Metadata Generation, Plovdiv University Publishing House "Paisii Hilendarski", 2012,
Plovdiv, ISBN: 978-954-423-722-6, 253
pages. Modelling and Carrying on
E-learning Processes with a Workflow Management Engine, in Knowledge Based Automated
Software Engineering (eds. I. Stanev, K Grigorova),
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK, December 2011, ISBN (10):
1-4438-3771-7, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-3771-2, 34-51. Standards and
Specifications of Metadata for e-Documents, University Publ. House “P. Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, 260 pages, 2010, ISBN
978-954-423-650-2. eLearning in Bulgaria, in Cases on Challenges Facing
e-Learning and National Development: Institutional Studies and Practices,
Vol. 1 (eds. DEMIRAY Ugur), Midas eBook, Electronic
ISBN 978-975-98590-8-4 (1.c), 978-975-98590-7-7 (tk.), 2010, pp, 77-106, http://www.midasebook.com/ (published
also in ERIC Collection as ED508217, http://www.eric.ed.gov).